demon species lore based on the 7 deadly sins

here's a basic skinny female ig. i forgot to color the teeth oopsies

yeah im just gonna copy paste everything i have
So when soul eaten, subject braindead. If slighlty eaten subject worse at memory.
Soul can be as big as subject
Soul can grow old. When older more uh bug things eat it. rip old people (cancer refrence)
If soul really old then it can ferment.
If commited sins soul will become untasty and sour depending on number of sins commited
This demon species eats souls and is under the realm of gluttony
More souls eaten more powerful
Demon may look more like the species of souls it eats
For example a demon eating primarily fish souls gets scales and webbed fingies, even mermaid tail
Demon eating primarily chicken may get plumage and wings, even beaks perhaps
They may act more like the species of souls they eat
This demon species' beaty uh sterotypes(?) are more humanoid demons
So eating humans souls is more inclined to be beatiful
Being fat does not equal power level
Though being fat is also of beauty
Eating souls make more strong (not nececeraly muscular) and skin more durable.
Soul cravings are instinct and nececary for survival
If no soul aten for like a week or two causes fatigue and shit like that yeah, no good

Gluttony is paired with greed so these demons like jewelry n stuff like that
This species has two gold colored small horns on top their head. They curve backwords and can be max 1 foot
They are tall, average 6 ft sure
They have tails that defualt is whip like english good
Pointed ears go straight up
Fire resistant
The demons eat souls because they have no souls, eyes have no pupil
They be red (skin)
Oh yeah those under fangs whatever they're called
Thick hair, wavy-curly to kinky-curly. Uh C3a+ ig
Hair can grow on the end of the tail like a beard maybe

time to make this make sense